A quarter century after “Thelma and Louise” added their unforgettable chapter to movie mythology, a new “Thelma” is picking up where they left off. This time the badass heroine is a bit older. Both the character, Thelma Post, and the actress who so wondrously portrays her, Jean Squibb, are women in their nineties. Seriously. Co-starring with Richard Roundtree in what would be his last screen role, the pair are members of a demographic not known for remembering lines – or remembering anything, actually – much less hitting their marks. Factor in that “Thelma” is an action comedy, and it seems less a movie than a miracle. Deftly written and directed by Josh Margolin, it's a tale of a 93-year-old widow still living independently who's taken in by one of those phone calls claiming that her grandson Daniel (Fred Hechinger) has been arrested after a traffic accident and needs $10,000 to be sent immediately to his defense attorney. The fact that it needs to be in cash, and sent to a...