Asteroid City

World UFO Day in Tucson, Arizona. Rick Chatenever photo. Once upon a time I would have chalked it up to coincidence that last Saturday – the day I chose to escape a 104-degree Tucson afternoon and see Wes Anderson's “Asteroid City” – was World UFO Day. (Yes, there is such a thing. Google it.) But now I know better. There are no such things as coincidences. Instead there are cosmic/psycho/spiritual connections, just over the horizon of our consciousness, just beyond the ability of our brains to understand. The same might be said of filmmaker Anderson. I won't pretend to “understand” every hair of his shaggy dog masterpiece of a screenplay. His movies – always wiggy, each new one proclaimed as his best yet – provide brightly colored glimpses into the museum of curiosities and delights inside his imagination. “Asteroid City's” plot is like nesting dolls: a '50s television show taking us behind the scenes of a New York stage play that tells of an intrepid band of ...