Rabbit holes
Renate Reinsve in “The Worst Person in the World.” Neon image via IMDB Super Bowl LVI's halftime show kicked off a commotion on nextdoor.com. The oldsters – the group formerly known as baby boomers – were up in arms. In case you're not familiar with with nextdoor.com – good for you if you're not – it's the internet's version of your neighborhood. In this realm keystrokes have replaced knocking on a neighbor's door to borrow an egg or cup of flour. I'm on it twice – in Kula where our house is but we're not; and in Tucson where we inadvertently live these days. Each nextdoor locale has its qualities – there are some awesome nature photographers in Tucson, posting hummingbirds, owls, coyotes, and the splendor of the desert captured through their lenses. But mostly I'm not a fan. Under the guise of creating communities from Arizona to Hawaii, nextdoor.com winds up providing more rabbit holes to get lost and waste time in. At least the rabbit holes ...