Twilight of a demigod

It's not a remarkable movie. It stars and was directed by Clint Eastwood, who's 91 now. That's what's remarkable about “Cry Macho.” When he won multiple Oscars for 1992's “Unforgiven” including best picture and best director, it seemed the crowning glory of a stellar career, first as the world's most recognizable action hero, than as one of Hollywood's most eclectic and reliable directors. “Unforgiven” was a masterpiece – an anti-Western painted in mythic strokes, a tale of an old gunslinger beyond redemption pressed back into service to save a frontier town from its sadistic sheriff (played by Gene Hackman, another of its Oscar winners). It seemed like the kind of thing to hang your laurels on and head for the golf course. When Eastwood was honored at the 2002 Maui Film Festival, I had the opportunity to ask if he felt his career had been fulfilled. Actually no, he confided. He still had some films he wanted to make, some stories he wanted to tell. “What ar...